The Oxford English Dictionary Online offers users the most complete, up-to-date, and extensive dictionary from Oxford. With continuous development, it now equates to the vocabulary volume of 25 print edition dictionaries. Tens of thousands of newly added and revised entries are only available in the online version. Additionally, it includes words from the "Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary" (first published in print in 2009) and the second edition of Volume 20 of the "Oxford English Dictionary" (published in 1989).
1. Instant search and browsing are possible by topic, region, usage context, and etymology.
2. Users can consult the main source materials for words (such as authors and their works) and trace the role these words have played in the formation of the language.
3. Time-based searches are available, displaying results in chronological order to show when a word began to be used: for example, when a word was first cited from Japanese or primarily used in the field of astronomy.
4. Users can view the etymological history of each entry, citation records, and summaries including links to related entries.
5. By clicking on the relevant links of each entry, users can easily navigate to related articles in the Oxford National Biography, the Oxford Online Modern English Dictionary, and other online resources.
6. Users can create their personalized usage pages, saving entries and search results to "My OED."