ELSEVIER ScienceDirect eBooks

ScienceDirect, the full-text database platform of Elsevier, the world's leading publishing company, is the world's largest database of full-text electronic resources for science, technology and medicine, providing full-text content for more than 2,500 academic journals and 40,000 books.


Elsevier adheres to strict publishing standards and follows the international peer review system to provide the world's top academic research articles. It provides high-quality academic content covering 24 disciplines in 4 major fields: natural science and engineering, life science, health science, social science and humanities, and you can browse the academic research results of more than 100 Nobel Prize winners on the ScienceDirect platform.


Elsevier eBooks provide readers with comprehensive, authoritative, reliable, discover-able, easily searchable, and accessible high-quality content. Currently, Elsevier has published over 45,000 books, covering 24 disciplines including Engineering, Materials science, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, Environmental Science, Energy, Earth and Planetary sciences, Computer science, Immunology and Microbiology, Biochemistry/Genetics/Molecular Biology, Biomedical and Medicine, Social Sciences, Economics and Finance. These books are highly recognized and trusted by the industry, providing authoritative, reliable, and high-quality content resources for teaching, research, as well as discipline construction and development. 


Our library has subscribed to a total of 3,008 e-books from ScienceDirect, covering the following disciplines: materials science, energy, engineering, mathematics, and computing science.