ScienceDirect, the full-text database platform of Elsevier, the world's leading publishing company, is the world's largest database of full-text electronic resources for science, technology and medicine, providing full-text content for more than 2,500 academic journals and 40,000 books.
Elsevier adheres to strict publishing standards and follows the international peer review system to provide the world's top academic research articles. It provides high-quality academic content covering 24 disciplines in 4 major fields: natural science and engineering, life science, health science, social science and humanities, and you can browse the academic research results of more than 100 Nobel Prize winners on the ScienceDirect platform.
ScienceDirect offers more than 2,650 peer-reviewed journals, containing more than 19 million articles. These articles are researched by authoritative authors, managed by renowned editors, and are read and favored by researchers from all over the world, such as The Lancet, Cell, Tetrahedron Letters, The Handbooks in Economics Series and other important journals, as well as the International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, etc., are available on ScienceDirect.