EBSCO is one of the earliest companies in the world to launch an online full-text database retrieval system. EBSCOhost is a resource integration platform that specializes in all disciplines including science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, geology, biology, and economics. Our library has subscribed to two full-text databases: Academic Search Premier (ASP) and Business Source Premier (BSP). The EBSCO platform also provides free access to database resources such as Medline and Eric.
1. Academic Search Premier (ASP)
Access URL: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?profile=ehost&defaultdb=aph
Database Overview: Academic Search Premier (ASP) provides access to over 19,000 journals with the abstracts and indexes, including over 4,600 full-text journals, and over 3,800 being peer-reviewed with no embargo. In addition, ASU also provides access to over 1,000 full-text publications such as books, monographs, and over 100 conference proceedings, encyclopedias, and reports.
In ASP, over 3,000 full-text journals are indexed in Web of Science, and over 6,300 in Scopus. The subject covers almost every research areas, such as biological sciences, engineering technology, social sciences, psychology, education, law, medicine, linguistics, humanities, information technology, communication, public administration, history, computer science, military, culture, health and medical sciences, philosophy, arts, visual communication, performing arts, philosophy, literature from various countries, etc. And it also includes thousands of full-text journals in local languages from Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Latin America, covering over 80 countries.
2.Business Source Premier (BSP)
Access URL: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?profile=ehost&defaultdb=buh
Database Overview: Business Source Premier (BSP) serves as a valuable resource repository for students and researchers alike – it features an extensive collection of journal indexes and abstracts of more than 7,500 periodicals. Among these, there are over 2,100 full-text periodicals (nearly 1,100 of which are peer-reviewed periodicals). More than 460 full-text periodicals are included in Web of Science, and its coverage can be traced back as early as 1886. It boasts unique full-text periodicals such as Harvard Business Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), MIS Quarterly, Communications of the ACM, etc.
Moreover, BSP also incorporates over 30,000 non-periodical full-text publications (like case analyses, monographs, national and industrial reports, etc.). It encompasses the literature in various fields related to business administration and finance, including finance, banking, international trade, business management, marketing, investment, real estate, economics, enterprise operation, finance, energy management, information management, knowledge management, industrial engineering management, insurance, law, taxation, telecommunications, etc.